Interesting Things Blog Society How to choose the top New York immigration lawyer for chinese US visa citizens

How to choose the top New York immigration lawyer for chinese US visa citizens

US immigration lawyers recommendations for chinese citizens
US immigration lawyers strategies for chinese applicants: Learn the benefits of taking an English proficiency test, such as the IELTS, TOEFL, or Duolingo English test, and then practice to improve your score. Cybercrime is one of the biggest risks that you are likely to encounter in the United States. Make sure that your accounts are safe from hackers. Engineering is one of the most popular STEM fields studied and practiced by immigrants in the U.S. Discover how to find employment through this career field. Then, determine if it is right for you. Before you go on job interviews, learn how to leverage your international education and work experience in the U.S.

Immigration Attorney Fees: The charging standard must be reasonable, and it is best to charge in steps. (First of all, this can ensure that the lawyer carefully completes every link of the green card application, and can also reduce some of the economic burden). China vs foreign immigration lawyer: Many people may have a professional misunderstanding of American lawyers, because in many cases it is true that local lawyers have more advantages. However, in the face of immigration applications, which basically do not need to go to court, it is necessary to find an immigration lawyer with the best language communication. Finding an immigration lawyer is actually similar to finding a doctor. Since it requires a lot of communication between clients and lawyers, it is recommended to find a lawyer who speaks Chinese. And preferably the customer service and paralegal both speak Chinese and English. In this way, whether it is assessing the status of the application with a lawyer or the assistant receiving the application materials, there can be greater protection and unnecessary errors can be reduced.

Did you know that there are important cultural customs regarding your behavior after a job interview? Here’s how to follow up with your prospective employer. Make the most of LinkedIn: Write an attention-grabbing headline such as: “Motivated, experienced sales manager.” Under each job title or previous position, you should have at least three bullet points with strong examples of your expertise. Your employer is likely to look at your public social media pages—so you might want to consider cultivating a personal brand. Define your vision, mission, and core values. Your job application, social media presence, and LinkedIn profile should combine to create a narrative about your professional experience. Show employers your career trajectory—instead of just a list of jobs. Find more information on

For our chinese readers:



绿卡排期 :对大多数人来说,绿卡申请是一场长达数年的战役,具体时间因人而已,因为整个过程中,意外情况可能层出不穷,从而导致进度发生延迟。获得绿卡(Green Card)意味着获得了在美国的永久居留权(U.S. lawful Permanent Residence),各种工作签证持有者从此不用再为签证到期或失去工作而惶恐不安。获得绿卡的途径有工作移民(Employment Based – EB),亲属移民(Family Based – FB),政治避难(Political Asylum Based)等,甚至还有一种乐透绿卡(Diversity lottery Based),专门将一定名额开放给其他国家的人以抽签的方式取得,有点类似于彩票抽奖,所以叫乐透绿卡。 在网站上阅读更多信息 绿卡申请流程.

O1签证 适合人群: H-1B没有抽中,但是OPT即将到期; J-1即将结束但没有获得J-1豁免,没有合法身份继续留美工作;从不占H-1B名额的非盈利性机构转去占名额的盈利性公司,但是不幸的是当年的H-1B名额已满;H-1B签证快满6年,面临身份过期,但是还没有进行绿卡申请或者I-140申请还在等待审批。这些情况下,O-1签证都是最好的选择,可以帮你走出困境。O1签证 美国境内激活/美国境外激活 申请O-1签证的时候需要在I-129表上选择你想要的生效方式。 美国境内激活:O-1获批之后,你的身份会从你现有的签证身份自动转为O-1。美国境外激活:O-1获批之后不会自动生效,你需要去境外的美国领事馆面签才能拿到O-1签证