Interesting Things Blog General Health Lab-tested cannabis oil and inflammation help

Lab-tested cannabis oil and inflammation help

Top rated clean cannabis oil company 2022? Sharon Kelly: Cannabis killed her terminal stage IV lung cancer. The earliest study examining the anticancer potential of cannabis was related to lung cancer. Carried out in 1974 at the University of Virginia, the research showed that THC and cannabinol (CBN), as well as the THC analog delta-8-THC (the primary form is delta-9), inhibited tumor growth and reduced primary tumor size in mice (Munson et al.). Specifically, THC was associated with dose-dependent reduction of tumor growth, whereas delta-8-THC and CBN reduced primary tumor size. All three cannabinoids increased average survival time. Interestingly, CBD had no effect on tumor growth or survival. Find extra details at RSO for cancer.

How much does added CO2 increase the growth rate? The normal atmospheric CO2 level is 370 parts per million (PPM). The best way to achieve this level in your grow room is to draw fresh air from the atmosphere into your grow room at a high rate. It is recommended you change the air in your grow room about 60 times per hour. At these rates, you will maintain very close to atmospheric levels of CO2 of 370 PPM and achieve good growth. With this setup, it is not practical to achieve any increase in CO2 in the grow room. This is because any CO2 added to the grow room will be removed quickly with the constant airflow out of the grow room.

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is unique and exclusive in that it comprises higher levels and doses of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) than other medical cannabis extracts. Even though there is little to some evidence to support the use of cannabis for assisting and treating cancer treatment, the medical community, researchers and doctors require more direct evidence of its security, safety, and usefulness in humans before making any firm claims or decisions. Scientists are still researching and continue to look for potential uses and benefits for cannabis products in treating cancer in human beings. RSO is a high potency and strong cannabis extract with high THC levels and other minor cannabinoids.

Hemp’s natural process of removing harmful toxins was also considered for the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima. Although because of the strict Cannabis laws in Japan, Hemp was not used, the two main resources that can be produced using Hemp, that could have a profound impact on the planet and our lives, is paper and plastic. According to a study conducted in 1916, it’s believed one acre of Hemp, over the course of twenty years, can produce four to ten times the amount of paper than trees, and, although the deep forestation problem we are faced with today is attributed to many things, reducing the need for tree paper by using Hemp, would still reduce the damaging affects paper production has, which sees roughly 4 billion trees being cut down a year for that purpose. Yet, less than 0.1% of the paper we use today is made with Hemp. Hemp plastic, which can not only be made to be completely bio-degradable, reducing the enormous amount of pollution on beaches and destruction to marine life, can also be produced with little or no chemicals which we all know makes up the majority of plastic we use today.

Rick Simpson is one of the world’s leading Marijuana activists and the founder of Phoenix Tears. He is the person who rediscovered the cure for cancer with the absolute most amazing plant, Marijuana! His journey started in 2003 when he was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma skin cancer. He had three spots of cancer on his body, two on his face and one on his neck. After being diagnosed with cancer he made a decision, and that decision has changed the world’s view on cannabis entirely. He reopened the worlds eye’s to the amazing benefits of cannabis. Discover extra info at