Interesting Things Blog Fitness Allergies news from top experts

Allergies news from top experts

Children health tricks for a long life? Eating too much of any food, even low-calorie vegetables, can result in weight gain. Therefore, people should avoid estimating a serving size or eating food directly from the packet. It is better to use measuring cups and serving size guides. Guessing leads to overestimating and the likelihood of eating a larger-than-necessary portion. Many people benefit from mindful eating, which involves being fully aware of why, how, when, where, and what they eat. Making more healthful food choices is a direct outcome of becoming more in tune with the body. People who practice mindful eating also try to eat more slowly and savor their food, concentrating on the taste. Making a meal last for 20 minutes allows the body to register all of the signals for satiety. It is important to focus on being satisfied after a meal rather than full and to bear in mind that many “all natural” or low-fat foods are not necessarily a healthful choice. Discover more information at Increase Flexibility: Second, on our list of pilates benefits, we have increased flexibility. As you begin practicing different moves, you’ll notice the purpose of pilates is to expand and lengthen your muscles. You’re essentially creating space and releasing strains and tension. As a result, your muscles can elongate while also becoming leaner, which will improve your range of movement. Before you know it, you’ll feel more comfortable in your body than you ever have before. Instead of feeling tight and tense all the time, you’ll be able to enjoy strong but loose muscles.

Snack away: Snacks are not necessarily bad. Very small snacks of nutrient-dense foods can help you feel full all day long and can help you from over-eating at a mealtime. Choose a few almonds, a small apple or some chia pudding for a healthy snack. Use the apple rule: If you decide you’re hungry, ask yourself if you’re hungry enough to eat an apple. If the answer is “no”, then you are probably not eating because of hunger. You may be eating out of boredom, stress or thirst.

There’s also a rebound effect from teeth whitening, where teeth will relapse slightly in shade. You may be whitening your teeth and stop at a certain point once you’re happy with the results, but I would recommend going a bit beyond that because of the rebound effect. A study estimates that up to 50 percent of the effectiveness of bleaching products at a dental office may rebound within just a week. This is particularly true when you eat or drink staining foods or drinks in the first seven days.

Are there any risks or side effects? Any procedure carries potential risks or side effects and Restylane is no different. Risks of Restylane treatments include: bruising or bleeding at injection site, infection, allergic reaction, irregularities in the filling (e.g., in the firmness of your skin). Side effects from these injections can include: pain or itching at the injection site swelling, bruising, headache, tenderness . These typically resolve in 7 to 18 days, depending on the treatment area. Individuals on blood-thinning medications are generally not advised to use products like Restylane. If you’ve experienced serious side effects from any drugs or medications, talk with your doctor about whether you’d be a good candidate for this treatment.

Fitness and alternative health news : Pilates puts minimal stress on your joints. Aging is a real thing and along with it comes arthritis. The key to combating arthritis is optimizing the area around the affected joint or joints. When you have good mobility, and balanced strength, you have less compressive forces around your joints. Arthritis doesn’t like compressed, crowded joints. So when you strengthen and stretch your whole body in a good, balanced way — arthritis becomes less painful and stiff. Pilates helps with all this and doesn’t cause any added stress on your joints. There’s a good reason you see lots of folks in their 60’s and 70’s enjoying our classes.

Seal off trouble. Permanent molars come in around age 6. Thin protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth can prevent decay in the pits and fissures. Yet only one in three U.S. kids receives dental sealants. Talk to your dentist at Personal Care Dentistry. Use fluoride. Fluoride strengthens enamel, making it less likely to decay. Three out of four Americans drink water that is fluoridated. If your water isn’t fluoridated (i.e. you drink bottled water), talk to your dentist at Personal Care Dentistry, who may suggest putting a fluoride application on your teeth. Many toothpastes and mouth rinses also contain fluoride.

While salt may not be calorically dense, it can still have a significant effect on your weight loss—or lack thereof. In fact, one oft-referenced 2006 study published in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases found a strong correlation between salt and rising obesity rates. Not only that, but the same study found that when subjects reduced their salt intake by 30 to 35 percent over a 30-year period, their mortality risk due to stroke and coronary heart disease decreased by 75 to 80 percent. “Being accountable to yourself goes hand in hand with support from friends and family,” says personal trainer and physique coach Phil Graham. “Accountability comes in many forms – it could be just a promise to yourself or telling the whole world via social media – but it’s essential for keeping you motivated when the going gets tough. And a support network is also crucial for times when things go wrong and you need to get back on track. Even better, find someone who has been there and done it themselves because their advice and insight can be invaluable.” Discover extra details on

Teeth whitening diet. Not only is it bad for your health, smoking is one of the worst offenders when it comes to staining teeth. Tobacco causes brown stains that penetrate the grooves and pits of tooth enamel. Tobacco stains can be hard to remove by brushing alone. The longer you smoke, the more entrenched the stains become. Smoking also causes bad breath and gingivitis (gum disease), and increases the risk of most types of cancer.

The cause: This is basically inflammation of the hair follicle caused either by a bacteria (most commonly a staph infection) or irritation from shaving, heavy conditioners, potent hair dyes, and excessive sweating. It will mostly likely appear as little pus bumps scattered throughout the scalp that look similar to acne. The bumps can sometimes feel sore. The treatment: A doctor suspecting folliculitis may perform a culture to check for bacteria. If a microbe is causing your scalp woes, a topical or oral antibiotic will be the best treatment option. “If there isn’t an infectious agent present, then anti-inflammatory medications, such as steroid creams can be effective'” says Christine Ko, M.D., associate professor of Dermatology and Pathology at Yale School of Medicine.