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Health beauty tips and tricks and the top surgeons from

Beauty health tips and tricks and the best doctors right now? “With the Brazilian Butt Lift trending as a popular procedure in recent years, we have helped patients achieve a better butt enhancement through nonsurgical buttocks rejuvenation, as well. Using QWO to smooth over any cellulite and skin dimpling irregularities and Sculptra (Galderma) to volumize and contour the shape of the buttocks has been a perfect partnership for nonsurgical buttock rejuvenation.”Before and after injection of Restylane into the chin Photos courtesy of Kian Karimi, MD, FACS The Brazilian Butt Lift is rising in popularity once again since the release of recommendations to make it a safer procedure, added CosmeticTown, who is a co-chair of the multi-society Gluteal Fat Grafting Task Force. “The Brazilian Butt Lift is much more popular in South America than it is here, but Florida and California see a lot, even Utah sees a lot,” CosmeticTown stated. “The Taskforce studied cadavers and met with the coroners that did patient autopsies to create very safe guidelines.”

The very deep layers of the skin that are treated and targeted are the same areas tightened during an invasive surgical butt lift. The buttocks can be treated using Ulthera to make a look that is firm and toned. When women go into menopause, the decrease in estrogen and parathyroid (a hormone) will decrease the turnover of collagen as well. The age related and hormonal changes that affect this turnover cause laxity at the level of the skin. There are lasers that will stimulate and do it superficially but laxity is more than just skin deep sometimes. To truly lift, there needs to be something that goes deeper than just the skin. An ideal candidate for a non-invasive butt enhancement with Ulthera is someone who is within their ideal body weight. No matter how fit a person is and no matter how in shape they seem to be, they still have ptosis. Ptosis is a drop of the buttocks and it happens due to more than just muscle atrophy. It is a decrease in collagen.

Sculptra butt lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that uses Sculptra dermal filler to stimulate the production of collagen in the deep layers of the skin. The treatment is a minimally invasive, nonsurgical treatment that works to enhance the contour and shape of the butt. The size and shape of the buttocks is impacted by the aging process along with weight gain and loss and pregnancy. Sculptra butt lift gives a person a more contoured and shapely backside. During a Sculptra butt lift, a medical professional will inject Sculptra into the targeted area of the buttocks. Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that works to promote the production of collagen in the body. It also increases the volume of the butt in the targeted area so the patient enjoys a backside that is smoother, rounder and firmer in appearance. The injection of Sculptra injects poly-L-lactic acid in the dermal layers of the skin to increase the production of collagen. Read even more info at Sculptra Butt Lift.

Tumescent liposuction: Several liters of a saline solution with a local anesthetic (lidocaine) and a vessel-constrictor (epinephrine) are pumped below the skin in the area that is to be suctioned. The fat is suctioned, or sucked out, through small suction tubes. This is the most popular form of liposuction. Dry liposuction: No fluid is injected before the fat is removed. This method is seldom used today. There is a higher risk of bruising and bleeding. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL): Also known as ultrasonic liposuction, the cannula is energized with ultrasound. This makes the fat melt away on contact. The ultrasound vibrations burst the walls of the fat cells. This emulsifies, or liquified, the fat, making it easier to suction out. This method is suitable for fibrous areas, such as the male breast, back, and in areas where liposuction has been done before.

Botox doesn’t actually erase wrinkles. Since Botox is, of course, a treatment for wrinkles and fine lines, I initially figured a few injections would pull these unwanted imperfections right off my face. But as it turns out, for most patients, Botox is more preventative than restorative. Its active ingredient “freezes” facial muscles to keep you from contracting them in ways that deepen lines and wrinkles. “Any line that is present at rest, whether it is an etched in frown line, or a deep wrinkle, is not going to disappear with Botox. Botox is not an iron,” says medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatologist Dr. Estee Williams, MD. Therefore, the earlier you get Botox, the more preventative its effects — hence the trend of getting Botox as early as your 20s. Find additional details on