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How to raise your Youtube channel view numbers

Do you want to increase your Youtube channel subscriber numbers, this is a hot issue amongst Youtube content providers. If you are starring in the video, or just directing it, it is important to prepare and practice so that the real thing will go off without a hitch. The devil is in the detail when it comes to making a YouTube video so practicing will account for all the things that could go wrong when shooting. Allowing viewers to embed your video on their websites and blogs is an effective way for your brand to reach new audiences and get more views on YouTube. If a video has embedding enabled, when a viewer clicks ‘Share’ underneath the video window, YouTube will show them the ‘Embed’ option.

Upload a transcript of your video in English and Spanish. About 38 million people in the United States speak Spanish. By uploading transcripts of your video in both languages, your video will start appearing in English and Spanish YouTube searches. Transcripts alert YouTube of what keywords are featured in your video and greatly increase the likelihood that your audience will find you via YouTube search. However the easiest way is to buy subscribers from a online marketing agency, that can advertise your videos to a larger audience.

Use Guest YouTubers: Similar to guest posting for blog content, guest YouTubers, industry influencers, or persons of note with their own following can do wonders for boosting your views. Similar to influencer marketing, guest YouTubing can entice your users with household industry names and provide a different and unique perspective to your industry’s sphere. Offer a link to one of their videos or websites in your description and you can form a beneficial relationship built on reciprocity.

SEO is not just limited for Google, but you need to do SEO for the video by incorporating keywords in the video title and description. Make sure that they are search engine optimized. If you are creating a video on how to make Italian pasta, then you need to have the keywords that people usually search for this. Keep your description detailed and include the links to your social media accounts. It is important to use a suitable thumbnail instead of using an over the top sensational thumbnail. The thumbnails which are misleading are completely against YouTube’s terms and conditions. The thumbnail is such that it informs people what the video is all about so that they can confidently click on it and watch it. A good and apt thumbnail is important to encourage people to watch the video.

Stop talking. Start delivering. YouTube explicitly states: “channels and videos with higher watch time are more likely to turn up in search results and recommendations.” How can you increase your watch time? There are lots of tips and tricks online. But the most important principle is this: value your viewer’s time. According Gianni Nicassio (the viral master I mentioned earlier), you need to deliver value right away. “We’ve found that the first eight seconds of your video are the most important. The click-away rate in those precious seconds is staggering. If you make music videos, start playing music right away. If you are teaching something or explaining a product, start delivering information.” Nicassio recommends you skip straight to the content and then promote your products at the end. “Don’t tell people about your day, don’t talk about other videos that you’re making or where to buy the song. Just play the song and tell them the supplementary info after the song or in the description.” Your Task: Shorten your intro. Skip the flashy intro and theme music. Make sure the first eight seconds of every video hook viewers. Source: