Interesting Things Blog Religion Third secret of Fatima documents

Third secret of Fatima documents

Second coming of Jesus Christ discussions? Statistical data reveals an apocalyptic code that points to end-time events right now. The pattern was so strong and unusual that it appeared to be nothing short of miraculous. As can be seen from above, between the years 2015 and 2078, ‘Holy or Maundy Thursday’ ONLY falls on the 13th day of Easter April twice. This must be significant, especially if one recognizes the importance and prevalence of the number 13 in the last 15 years of professional American sports. The fact that 13 American professional sports teams named after either heavenly angels or Christian saints have won 30 major national championships in the last 15 consecutive years alone makes one realize that all of the aforesaid has something to do with God and Christianity. It only stands to reason that this must be so.

But what about the bolide, asteroid or comet of The Third Secret of Fatima that is supposed to hit the ocean and cause a deluge that wipes out entire continents from the face of the earth? If the late Malachi Martin was correct about the events of The Third Secret of Fatima occuring by 2018, then the date of April 13, 2017 is the likely date of the Garabandal ‘Miracle’, since most people would not even be alive to receive the ‘Warning’ if it were given after the deluge. [Note: Due to certain events which have not occurred by 2018, the date of the asteroid/comet event must be in 2022, and preceding such a catastrophic event, the ‘Miracle’ of Garabandal must be between April 9, 2020 and April 14, 2022.]/[UPDATE: July 25, 2018 – 2.1 Kiloton meteor hit Greenland just 43 kilometers from Thule U.S. Air Force Base without warning, let alone, without a word from the said military base.

According to Bayside Directive given to Veronica Lueken by Jesus Christ on 10/02/87, the future earthquake in San Francisco, California will mark “only the beginning” of the Great Tribulation. Based upon all of the aforesaid, it can be ascertained that the tribulation started on September 24, 2017, and that the Great tribulation will start around March of 2021. Thus, one can assume that the great earthquake of San Francisco known popularly as ‘the Big One’ will possibly occur between 2020 and March or April of 2021. Since one is dealing with prophecy, relying on a range of dates would be wise here. The date of Thursday, April 18, 2016, marked the 113th anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake that destroyed most of the city. The great earthquake occurred at exactly 13 minutes after 5:00 a.m. Unfortunately, no record of any marian seer or psychic visionary is known to have predicted the ‘The Big One’, except for an ordinary bellboy working at a San Francisco Hotel by the name of Gerald Perkins, who experienced a number of vivid precognitive visions of the earthquake one day before it happened. Gerald Perkins gift of precognition was memorialized in the 1960’s television show known as One Step Beyond, hosted by the late John Newland. Find more information at

The apparitions at Medjugorje represent the last of the Marian communications before the second coming of Jesus Christ. The messages given by the apparitions involved ten secrets. Mirjana received all ten secrets first that was written on a parchment on Christimas day in 1982. Mirjana was apparently the only one who could read the secrets on this parchment. The other children received the secrets verbally during the apparition sightings. Five of the six children have received all ten of the secrets, while only one, known as Vicka, has not, for she continues to witness daily sightings of the Blessed Virgin to this day. Such marian sightings appear to be strongly tied to the Garabandal apparitions insofar as the warning of God and the miraculous sign are concerned. And according to one of the seers, Mirjana Soldo, the Virgin Mary told her “that Medjugorje would be the fulfillment of Fatima and that her heart would triumph.”

This apocalyptic code suggests that some of the end-time events have already started and will intensify as the months and years pass, with more events to come soon, culminating in a cataclysmic deluge and worldwide devastation caused by the arrival of a planetary sized comet, to be followed immediately thereafter, by the second coming of Jesus Christ. Suggestions for survival have been provided at the end of the blogsite. Read extra information on virgin Mary apparition.